In compliance with Supreme Decree No. 005-2020-MINCETUR which approves the Regulations for Travel and Tourism Agencies, Wayra Peru Travel has signed the Code of Conduct Against the Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ESNNA). In this form we ratify our code of organizational ethics and firmly reject, denounce and condemn any practice related to sexual abuse and exploitation of minors in Peru and the world.
What is the problem more serious?
Maintain an attitude of rejection to the ESNNA, warn the penalty of imprisonment.
Report immediately to the case of ESNNA to the Ministerio Público or the National Police.
Have at hand the numbers of the telephones:
- Ministry of the Interior: line 0800-2-3232
- Ministry of Women and Vulnerable People (Women Emergency Center): line 100
- National Police (nearest police station) Prosecutor’s Office.
- Defense of Children and Adolescents.
We accept, subscribe and promote the law that punishes the bad practice of Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.
No promotions are permitted for the sexual exploration of children and adolescents; If you do not have the right to penalize the fact that we are aware of and the development of our activity according to the law N° 29408.
If you are aware of the fact that sexual exposure is under 18 years old, do not hesitate to report it.
Wayra Peru Travel